Spend some time picturing the end result and consider if you would like to surround a rectangular area entirely and whether you would like to put in a gate in the middle. Additionally, will it be straight or curved.
Consider whether you prefer to lay meshing at the base or below the surface to keep rabbits or gophers at bay or whether it needs to be high enough to deter deer. All these decisions influence the amount and sort of materials.
The next step is decide on your choice of materials, either wood or vinyl.
Vinyl works well, but it is typically reserved for pre constructed sections of fence although there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It can be a great means to assemble a couple of sections in any desired arrangement. Vinyl can even be painted before or after the fence is put up, although it is frequently unnecessary.
A number of different wood types make for first-class picket fence material. Red cedar is popular, although common white pine makes for a good alternative. After all, if you do not like the appearance, it can simply be painted or stained.
Now that all the pre building steps are completed, it is on to the actual picket fence construction.
Sets of two by fours make for suitable horizontal cross members, or rails, to hold up a series of upright fencing pickets. Eight foot pieces of pine are ideal for covering large surface areas and offer a lot of strength. They can simply be sawn to any shorter length required. Just lay them on the garage or workspace floor and measure out carefully. Lift them up sufficiently to avoid damaging the saw and cut away. A sawhorse is a great tool for those who do not have a workbench or table saw.
Picket fence slats can normally be purchased in a length that does not involve any trimming. Simply choose ones corresponding to your design and add a couple of inches if your intention is to have a part in the ground.
Lay two horizontal cross-members onto the ground and put the required number of picket fence slats on them at right angles. Space them in keeping with your design, normally between four to six inches apart. You can take advantage of a T-square to get the angle correctly aligned or make lines on the cross members and line up the pickets that way.
After that, just hammer in nails of the correct length or use screws to secure them together. Finishing nails will look slightly neater although they do not grip as well. Four-penny (4d) nails are one and a half inch and work well.
Once you have a section of fence built, finish it by using L-braces at the ends that will attach to the posts to add additional support. Sections can be joined either with flat braces or, with the majority of designs, utilizing posts at the corners and at least every eight feet. Once the picket fence construction is completed, all that is left is to paint or stain in keeping with your desired look.